
domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Convert HTML, ODF and WORD formats to MediaWiki - Why it is so Hard to find?

It is incredible but it is such hard to find a good HTML to MediaWiki converter. So, if you want to convert a webpage to Wiki format to be included on a MediaWiki site, there are several solutions around, but the amazing thing is that none works fine.

 mwlib -  OpenDocument Export - It is Phyton and I have no idea how to run it.

MWImporter - It is a web script that you have to set up yourself. I just want something that I can run on my PC,

CSPAN - HTML WikiConverter - It is a web script that you have to set up yourself. I just want something that I can run on my PC,

pandoc! - WebSiste- Limited to 1000 character or less. 

http://w-i-k-i.appspot.com/  - WebSite - Works but does not do a good job. When trying to convert HTML to MediaWiki the result was not good, all stuff moved, it did not generated a good MediaWiki article.

Diberri's html2wiki - WebSite - DO NOT WORK- SERVER ERROR
This used to be the most decent HTML to MediaWiki converter but it is broken now.

Microsoft Office Word Add-in For MediaWiki  - DO NOT WORK
On Office 2010 it gives you an error when you try to save as "MediaWiki .txt"

Word2MediaWikiPlus - DO NOT WORK
It is an office Macro. Do not work on Office 2010 or 2013 on 64bits.

Odt2Wiki - DO NOT WORK
Using Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 does not work with it.

Convert2MediaWiki - DO NOT WORK
Using Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 does not work with it. It generates an empty file.

Sun Wiki Publisher - DO NOT WORK
Also tested on OpenOffice 4.0.1. It generates en empty file.

At end then I started to use Pandoc command line tool to convert some HTML to MediaWiki.

 "pandoc -f html -t mediawiki convert.html >out.txt"

But I will keep looking for something more friendly with GUI.