
martes, 30 de agosto de 2022

FileNet Process Designer changes for Filenet 5.5.6 and up

 IBM did it again. 

"From V5.5.6 and later, the Content Platform Engine tools, including FileNet Process Designer, are no longer installed by the Content Platform Engine server installation. The installer for FileNet Process Designer is now available as part of the Content Platform Engine Tools package, which you can download from Passport Advantage. The instructions for installing FileNet Process Designer are included in the package."

Installing FileNet Process Designer


If you have 5.5.6 or later, you have to ignore this instructions and check the PDF inside the  "IFCPETLS_5.5.*_ML.zip" file. 

This is also a message that tell us that we need to "Promote" the IBM Case Solutions to the BAW Cases, and get rid of the "FileNet Process Designer" java app stuff as soon as possible.



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